CAD CAM CENTRE the only authorized training centre in goa was set up with a sole purpose to empower its students with knowledge of CAD and allied software's. Centre is managed by a core team that has a common vision of things to come true. CAD CAM CENTRE was established with a aim to be recognized as a proactive innovative and flexible organization in equipping students with top quality educational values. CAD Academy is headed by the dynamic visionary , who with single-minded dedication and hard work in teamwork that is "Together Everyone Achieves More" and it is well proved by the fully satisfied clients in the market.
Students get Practical Projects to enable them in understanding the real Industry trends in 2D /3D CAD CAM Designs.
CAD CAM CENTRE is the Authorised training centre for AICSM,An ISO 9001:2008 autonomous registered organisation , also registered Under Act. 21, 1860 Reg. No. S/55556 From Govt. of India N.C.T. New Delhi and Act. 1882 Under Section 17 Vide Reg. No. 4219/IV/Delhi. Soft Aim Education Foundation. Gujarat Reg. No. E/19027/Ahd./(Guj.) Certificate Regd. in Employment Exchange, M.P. Govt. Reg. No. 1801-1871.
AICSM LOGO is registered under Trade Mark Chinha Registry department, Govt of India. Act - 1999. Trade Mark Reg. No. Is 1791752.
Our Vision

The most Popular CAD and CAM Software are used for the Training as well as Practice. This makes our vision of providing the Best of Industry CAD & CAM Courses Learning much easier and Students get Industrial Experience through our Ongoing Projects.